March 12, 2015

Scroll And Print All Products Name From A Web Page

Now a days most of the e-commerce web applications are using a concept called Lazy loading.

Lazy Loading: Lazy loading is a design pattern commonly used in computer programming to defer initialization of an object until the point at which it is needed.

Example for lazy loading:

1. Open
2. Search for Mobiles
3. If you scrolldown the page more results will be loaded ...this concept is called lazy loading...

Now the question is to scroll down till you find all the products in that page and get names of all the products.

Here is the script :

Scroll And Print All Items Name From A Web Page

The above script will cover how to scroll page and get the product details..


  1. Thanks for all the tips you’ve shared! I’d like to share one more – make sure to check out this portfolio to see what the correct forms of business names there are. I’m sure if you want to get a step further, you can contact the business behind the portfolio
    and they’d be more than happy to help!
